Well...we made it. What a year 2020 was. RG had to close for the shutdown, then reopen, then close and move, then reopen. We are so very thankful to still be here. We can honestly say we couldn't have done it without you...our donors, customers, fans, and community. It's been a tough year for all of us, but I've never been so proud of our community. We came together in some dark days.Last March, we closed for the shutdown. Those days we all felt afraid and helpless. But something amazing and beautiful came from our RG family and our local community. We put a call out for mask makers, and you guys didn't disappoint. Together with hundreds of sewing volunteers, the community-made thousands of hand-sewn masks for anyone that was in need. And then the non-sewers helped to assemble over 15,000 face shields that were shipped all over the country, going directly to health care workers that had no PPE. We even made hundreds of no-sew masks out of upcycled tee shirts that went to many agencies that work with the public and needed a quick free mask to give out. If you were part of these efforts last April, I cannot emphasize enough how your actions saved lives. I received heartfelt letters from all over thanking our community for stepping up. We really were Greensboro Strong! This will be a positive story to tell in the future how we as a community came together and did our part. Crafting really did save the day!!!!
And now RG is excited to be back open and in a new and improved location. We are now handicap accessible and have grown to the capacity we needed. If you haven't had a chance to visit our new space, we are located at 4118 Spring Garden Street. We are open Monday - Saturday 10-6 and Sunday 12-6. We accept donations Friday and Saturday 10-5 and Sunday 12-5.
We look forward to our new start and a new year. Our education programs will be put on hold until further notice, but we look forward to getting them started again in the future. We hope that we can hunker down these winter months and take care of each other by being safe and respectful of everyone's health. We still have challenges ahead of us, but I am confident in our ability to rise to the occasion. Cheers to a new year and many thanks for all of the support that has kept us open and able to continue doing what we love to do.
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